It’s very near impossible to get hold of any specific local games sales – especially when it comes to Nintendo. Our market share is remarkably small so it’s not like we make a bent dent internationally. However, it’s sometimes quite interesting to see what sells well and what does not. Last year, despite the scarcity of huge first-party releases, Metroid Dread was definitely one of Nintendo’s headline games. And according to Christopher Dring (head of, the title has done really well (at least in the UK). In fact, according to Dring’s post yesterday:
Metroid Dread is now the third biggest Metroid game in UK history, behind Metroid Prime and Prime 3. It’s already the UK’s best-selling 2D Metroid. This doesn’t include digital sales, so it’s quite likely it’s now, or will soon be, the No.1 Metroid overall (GfK data).
Despite not being a big Metroid fan we really enjoyed our time with Dread last year. Sure, the creepier elements weren’t our favourites, however, the actual level design was fantastic -possibly some of the best we’d ever seen. Be sure to check out our Metroid Dread review here and remember that as announced during February’s Direct, the game now features new difficulty levels and April will see the introduction of a Boss Rush mode.