Xenoblade Chronicles 3 receives early July 2022 release date

April 19, 2022

It’s been quite common to hear that a game has been delayed of late. And given how tough development is in general, and what a big impact the pandemic has had over the last two years or so, it’s quite understandable really. However, Nintendo has gone an bucked the trend and instead of delaying a game’s release – they (along with Monolith) have just announced that Xenoblade Chronicles 3 (originally announced with a September release this year), will actually be coming a little earlier. Now, launching on the 29th of July 2022!

There was also a new trailer for the game which you can check out here. According to the description, the trailer will give usPreview (opens in a new tab)

“…a first look at the game’s dynamic battle system, new story info and more.”

This means the current quarter (Apr -July) is looking even better for Nintendo especially considering the lack of other big AAA releases on other consoles in the same period. For a quick look at Nintendo’s 2022 release calendar click here.

April 19, 2022

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