In an unexpected series of tweets earlier today, Yuji Naka (probably best known as the lead programmer for the original Sonic The Hedgehog) revealed that he was apparently removed as the director of Balan Wonderworld some six months before the game launched which led to him filing a lawsuit against Square Enix. Of course, there are always at least two sides to a story, that being said the thread is worth checking out. It was first posted in Japanese, however, there is an English version now available on Naka’s official Twitter feed – and if the translation is accurate there are some really scathing remarks made including…
Square Enix that does not care about games and game fans… I am truly sorry for the customers who bought my unfinished #BalanWonderworld. I think Square Enix and Arzest are companies that do not care about games and game fans.
Balan Wonderworld had shown a lot of promise prior to the launch, however, once it did – it was widely panned by critics (Metascore of 36!) and proved to be a bit of a disaster in terms of sales (with some outlets reporting that the game had sold only around 2000 copies in its first week in Japan). If the information provided by Naka proves to have occurred as described – perhaps we now know why it turned out as badly as it did.
For some more positive Sonic-related news check out the news about Sonic Origins here.